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Top SEO News, 2017

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    Google will keep in secret the number of search quality algorithms

    Oct 08/2017

    How many search quality algorithms does Google use? This question was put to the John Mueller, the company’s employee during the last video conference with webmasters.
    The question was:
    'When you mention Google's quality algorithm, how many algorithms do you use?'
    Mueller responded the following:
    'Usually we do not talk about how many algorithms we use. We publicly state that we have 200 factors when it comes to scanning, indexing and ranking.
    Generally, the number of algorithms is a casual number. For instance, one algorithm can be used to display a letter on the search results page. Therefore, we believe that counting the exact number of algorithms that Google uses is not something that is really useful [for optimizers].
    From this point of view, I can’t tell you how many algorithms are involved in Google search.'

    Gary Illyes shares his point of view on how important referential audit is

    Oct 08/2017

    At the Brighton SEO event that took place last week, Google rep called Gary Illyes shared his opinion about the importance of auditing the website's link profile. This information was reported by Jennifer Slagg in the TheSEMPost blog.
    Since Google Penguin was modified into real-time update and started ignoring spam links instead of imposing sanctions on websites, this has led to a decrease of the value of auditing external links.
    According to Gary Illyes, auditing of links is not necessary for all websites at the present moment.
    'I talked to a lot of SEO specialists from big enterprises about their business and their answers differed. These companies have different opinions on the reason why they reject links.
    I don't think that helding too many audits makes sense, because, as you noted, we successfully ignore the links, and if we see that the links are of an organic nature, it is highly unlikely that we will apply manual sanctions to a website.
    In case your links are ignored by the 'Penguin', there is nothing to worry about.
    I've got my own website, which receives about 100,000 visits a week. I have it for 4 years already and I do not have a file named Disavow. I do not even know who is referring to me.
    Thus, in the case when before a website owner was engaged in buying links or using other prohibited methods of link building, then conducting an audit of the reference profile and rejecting unnatural links is necessary in order to avoid future manual sanctions. It is important to remember that rejecting links can lead to a decrease in resource positions in the global search results, since many webmasters often reject links that actually help the website, rather than doing any harm to it.
    Therefore, referential audits are needed if there were any violations in the history of the resource. They are not necessary for many website owners and it is better to spend this time on improving the website itself, says Slagg.

    Googlebot still refuses to scan HTTP/2

    Oct 08/2017

    During the last video conference with webmasters Google rep called John Mueller said that Googlebot still refrains to scan HTTP.
    The reason is that the crawler already scans the content that fast, so the benefits that the browser receives (web pages loading time is decreased) are not that important.
    'No, at the moment we do not scan HTTP / 2. We are still investigating what we can do about it. In general, the difficult part is that Googlebot is not a browser, so it does not get the same speed effects that are observed within a browser when implementing HTTP / 2. We can cache data and make requests in a different way than a regular browser. Therefore, we do not see the full benefits of scanning HTTP / 2.
    But with more websites implementing push notification feature, Googlebot developers are on the point of adding support for HTTP in future.”
    It should be recalled that in April 2016, John Mueller said that the use of the HTTP / 2 protocol on the website does not directly affect the ranking in Google, but it improves the experience of users due to faster loading speed of the pages. Therefore, if you have a change, it is recommended to move to this protocol.

    Google does not check all spam reports in manual mode

    Oct 08/2017

    Google employee named John Mueller stated that the search team does not check all spam reports manually during the last video conference with webmasters.
    The question to Mueller was the following:
    'Some time ago we sent a report on a spam, but still have not seen any changes. Do you check each and every report manually?'
    The answer was:
    No, we do not check all spam reports manually. '
    Later Mueller added:
    'We are trying to determine which reports about spam have the greatest impact, it is on them that we focus our attention and it is their anti-spam team that checks manually, processes and, if necessary, applies manual sanctions. Most of the other reports that come to us is just information that we collect and can use to improve our algorithms in the future. At the same time, he noted that small reports about violations of one page scale are less prioritized for Google. But when this information can be applied to a number of pages, these reports become more valuable and are prior to be checked.
    As for the report processing time, it takes some considerable time. As Mueller explained, taking measures may take 'some time', but not a day or two.
    It should be recalled that in 2016, Google received about 35 thousand messages about spam from users every month. About 65% of all the reports led to manual sanctions.

    Cyber attack that took place on May 12 affected 200,000 users from 150 countries

    July 11/2017

    The victims of the mass cyberattack that occurred on May 12 were 200 thousand users from 150 countries. This information was stated by the press-secretary of the European police department (Europol) Jen Ohn Jen Hurt.
    According to him, there are many affected companies, including large corporations. He also noted that the cyber attack may continue on May 15, when people come to work and turn on their computers.
    The virus, called WannaCry blocks access to files and requires affected users to pay $ 300 ransom in bitcoins. Unless the price is paid in three days, hackers threaten to double this amount, and after 7 they remove all files from the computer.
    The first reports of cyber attacks appeared in the media and social networks on Friday, May 12. According to Europol, the malware was launched from the National Health Service of England. Then it affected networks in other countries. The virus infected computer networks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Megafon and other organizations in Russia.
    Proofpoint specialist Darien Hass and author of the MalwareTech blog managed to stop the spread of the virus using code to access a meaningless domain on May 13. However, the WannaCry creators released a new version of the virus, which no longer refers to this domain name.
    It is noted in Europol that the motivation of hackers is not fully understood. Typically, this type of attack is revenue-oriented. However, in this case, the amount of the repurchase is small. According to the ministry, only a few companies and individuals agreed to pay $ 300 to attackers, following the recommendations of law enforcement agencies. According to The Guardian, the accounts of the creators of the extortion virus received $ 42,000 from approximately 100 people.
    The intruders have not been revealed yet.

    Google Search Console sends thousands of verification requests to webmasters by mistake

    Aug 14/2017

    The webmasters who work with Google Search Console have been receiving numerous letters from the service in the last two days asking them to confirm the data. In some cases, thousands of such messages are going to inbox.
    Google’s search quality department specialist John Mueller suggested that the problem may be related to the beta version of Search Console, and apologized:
    'I also noticed that it was happening. I think it started yesterday or the day before yesterday. We sorted out the problem together with the Google Search Console team, and, in our opinion, it does not mean that there is something wrong with your websites. It seems that the problem is on our side, we have confused something, I think this is related to the beta version of Search Console. Perhaps there are some processes that need to be re-tested. But this does not mean that you have to make any changes on your websites, or that you have been attacked by hackers, or something like that. I'm embarrassed and apologize for all these messages that dropped to you inbox mails.'
    It should be recalled that Google is working on a new version of Search Console, which became known in July. The company officially confirmed this information in early August and shared the details of the two reports for testing. The new Search Console version will not only change the interface, but also make more data available.

    Google will no longer trust WoSign and StarCom certificates

    July 25/2017

    Google reports that in the coming months, it will completely stop cooperation with certificates issued by WoSign and StarCom certification centers. The change will take effect with the release of Chrome 61, which is expected in mid-September. It will affect the certificates issued before October 21, 2016, the period of validity of which has not yet expired.
    Last year, Google Chrome 56 stopped trusting the certificates from WoSign and StarCom, released later October 21, 2016. After the release of Chrome 57, the browser partially stopped trusting the old certificates. An exception was made for websites that are among the first million in the Alexa rating. From now on, all certificates from these centers will be banned.
    'Starting with Chrome 61, the white list will be removed, which will lead to a complete cessation of trust in the existing root certificates of WoSign and StarCom and all certificates that they have given out. Websites that still use certificates from StarCom and WoSign should urgently consider replacing them, so as to minimize any inconveniences to Chrome users,' reports Google.
    It should be recalled Mozilla announced about freezing its cooperation with WoSign and StartCom in September 2016. Starting with the Firefox 51 the certificates are considered to be invalid. At the same time, the support of certificates issued before October 21, 2016 is still preserved.

    Google intends to improve the interaction of a person with AI

    July 25/2017

    Google announced the launch of a new research project, which goal is to study and improve the interaction between artificial intelligence (AI) and human beings. The phenomenon was named PAIR.
    At the moment, the program involves 12 people who will work together with Google employees in different product groups. The project also involves external experts: Brendan Meade, a professor of Harvard University and, Hol Abelson, a professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
    The research that will be carried out within the framework of the project is aimed at improving the user interface of 'smart' components in Google services.
    Scientists will study the problems affecting all participants in the supply chain: starting from programmers creating algorithms to professionals who use (or will soon be using) specialized AI tools. Google wants to make AI-solutions user-friendly and understandable to them.
    As part of the project, Google also opened the source code for two tools: Facets Overview and Facets Dive. Programmers will be able to check the data sets for machine learning for possible problems using the tools mentioned. For instance, an insufficient sample size.

    The Italian authorities fines WhatsApp for $ 3 million euros

    July 11/2017

    The Italian Antimonopoly Authority fined WhatsApp service developers for 3 million euros. This information was reported reported by Reuters.
    According to the agency, WhatsApp imposed conditions on the users that obliged them to agree to data transfer to Facebook parent company. In particular, they were persuaded that without agreeing on this they would not be able to continue using the service.
    The WhatsApp press service commented on this situation the following way: 'We are considering this decision and preparing a response to the authorities.'
    The supervisory authorities of all EU countries demanded that WhatsApp last year to suspend the transfer of Facebook data because of users’ doubts' in agreeing on the conditions.
    The fact that WhatsApp will open Facebook access to the user base became known in August 2016.

    AdWords launches a new keyword-level bidding interface

    July 11/2017

    Google AdWords users all around the world noticed that is a new keyword-level bidding interface is launching soon.
    Google will show recommended bids for different ad positions on the page, even if the bid simulator for this keyword is not available.
    Some phases were also changed a little bit. Instead of the 'top of the page' is now replaced by 'over all organic results'; instead of 'first position' the tab 'over all other ads' will be now used.
    There was no official launch announcement yet.
    Let us remind you that Google AdWords changed algorithm of work of the Optimizer of the price for conversion last week. Earlier this tool could raise the maximum bid for prospective clicks by no more than 30%. Now this restriction is lifted.